Simple Worry Cure

Do you want to stop worrying?  I know what you’re thinking -why wouldn’t I want to stop worrying?  Here’s a few reasons why you may not want to stop …

  • You have chosen worry as a way of life, a habit so ingrained in your self- image that it has become part of your personality, difficult to let go of – even though it isn’t serving you.
  • You’re not aware that you worry.  Those thoughts run just beneath the surface of your awareness like a movie that’s been playing in the background of your mind adding to the noise pollution.  You never really look at those thoughts, although you feel uneasy, anxious, and even a sense of impending doom, you can’t say for certain where it’s coming from.
  • You may be running from your worries – straight into the arms of the internet, a drink, TV or some other addiction.

And although you may “solve” the problem that had been concerning you, or you’ve gotten through the experience that had previously plagued you, you haven’t really solved the problem of worry.   Regrettably, worry is a persistent habit which is often deeply rooted in the past.

Worry is paralyzing, monopolizing your thoughts and energy, causing health concerns. 

Worry will bring your spiritual progress to a halt!

Sooner or later it must become a healing goal – why not now?

Real quick , take a moment and find a worry thought.  Great! 

  1. With your attention on the situation that is worrying you, assess what you are feeling.  Every thought has a feeling associated with it.   Does the situation evoke anger, jealousy, sadness?  What is coming up for you?  Identify the feeling.
  2. Now bring the feeling into your body.  Where are you feeling the worry in your body?  Are their knots in your stomach?  Is your
    Let go

    chest tight and heavy?  Once you find the area of the body associated with the emotion, put your attention on that area and breathe into it.  With every “in” breath imagine light entering your body and going to the area of need, soothing and healing it.  On the “out” breath imagine your thoughts and stuck emotions leaving your body-mind.  Take some nice, deep, slow breaths and just allow the healing power of your breath to dissolve the worry.

  3. Tell yourself, “I have faith (in God, the universe, my angels) that everything will work out.  I deserve positive experiences in life.”
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 every time you worry.
  5. Repeat step 3 as often as you remember, and make a point to remember.  Look at all the energy you expend worrying, take some of that energy and direct it into a thought that will have a positive effect on your life.

How do you feel now?  Leave a comment and be sure to record your experiences so that you can keep track of your healing goals.

Commit to repeating this process at a scheduled time with other situations that worry you.  Make guarding your thoughts a past time, and be sure that no worry thought passes under your keen awareness.   Remember – you deserve positive experience in life, and now is your time!



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