“Hello, Ms. Crawford? This is your wake- up call!”

lake_mountain_900x450It’s crazy really – the adventures I would have while sleeping.  In the middle of the night, I’d leap out of my bed and into the hallway in a single bound often smack dab into a wall before finally awakening and returning to bed.   When I woke up, I could never remember who or what was chasing me, why I was running, or where I was going.   But that’s not the point.  The point is that once I awoke it no longer made sense to keep running so I stopped.

The same is true when we awaken to divine consciousness.   It no longer makes sense to live as if we are sleeping, banging our heads against walls, and essentially getting no -where. But that’s exactly how it can seem sometimes in a world where we are beginning to awaken to our inherent oneness, but our culture has hit the snooze.   

All over the world people are coming together in a movement which honours as divine the interconnectedness of all things; including the earth and its bounty – humanity’s common heritage.   More and more people are living their lives from the foundational belief that creator and creation are one, and the world is ready to transform and reflect this new consciousness.    The emerging era is one of abundance and prosperity for all people, but it won’t fly unless our social system changes to reflect our unity.

We constantly live in conflict between the way it should be, and the way it really is.  We believe in the inherent equality of all people, and so we are there for each other; working for peace and justice to bring relief, rehabilitation, and development where ever it is needed in the world.  But we get stuck running the wheel, because what we do to help others can only be done within a system which is set up to keep things as they are, so nothing really changes.   Although we want to create transformation, and even though we want equality for all, we keep running into brick walls and our efforts for change can seem to be in vain. 

It’s true that there is not enough money in the world to restore all people to a life of dignity, but there are certainly enough resources.  In fact, the earth is abundant with resources that if used wisely could sustain us all quite comfortably – and then some. 

The problem is our top/down systems aren’t working to restore justice and humanity, and our culture does not reflect the view of oneness which is emerging among people across all continents.  Although our world is rich with resources, not everyone has humane living conditions let alone their “share.”  The handful of billionaires who control the economy- the big global energy companies; the banks that finance them; and the companies that feed off them are benefiting enormously, while the bottom 80% of the population lives on less than $10 a day, and things are getting worse. 

Our economic system built on fossil fuels is coming to an end as resources diminish, prices rise, and the planet itself continues to shift and change leaving one disaster after another in response to the senseless plundering.  This sleep walking pattern is dangerous at best and literally earth shattering at worse.   

I once heard this story about a young man who, while sleep walking, went over to his in-laws house and killed them.  He was able to get a reduced sentence on account of an insanity charge because while asleep he didn’t know what he was doing.

We have no idea what we are doing!  This cultural mind set of take what you can get and spare no expense, is insanity and it’s getting tiresome. It’s time to gather the evidence and wrap up the case. “I’d like to call my first witness, Your Honour.   I call to the stand Mr. Thomas Edison. “

“We are like tenant farmers chopping down the fence around our house for fuel when we should be using Nature’s inexhaustible sources of energy — sun, wind and tide. … I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.” ~Thomas Edison 1931~

At present, if we keep using oil at the rate that we are, we will run out in 42 years.  And coal will be on store for a mere 414 years. 

Meanwhile, our brothers and sisters in Spirit are working on things.  There are solutions available, but these solutions require a real shift in culture in order to really take shape.  There is a global movement toward the production of renewable energy sources, and there are solutions at hand for the problems of over- population, and poverty.  These solutions are only the beginning of what we are capable of if given the chance to act. 

The world will awaken, and the night mare will end whether we awaken gently or run into a brick wall.  As we enter into uncertain times it’s more important than ever to stay grounded in faith and hope – to dig our heels deep into the earth and to stand strong as one people.  

I can’t tell you the keys to a peaceful sleep, but the key to awakening is to allow the light to enter your room naturally in order to awaken slowly and peacefully, rather than blasting an alarm.  Unfortunately though, the alarm has sounded and this world is on snooze. 

“Just a few more minutes please, God, I didn’t sleep well last night.  I had a bad dream.”   



1 Comment on ““Hello, Ms. Crawford? This is your wake- up call!”

  1. I love this Christina! So, so, so very true and huge in it’s vastness. I love the way you describe the nightmare we are caught up in, spine-tingling.

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