Believers and skeptics healed just the same

purple_flower_2How long have you been suffering with a sports injury, back pain, insomnia, or any other affliction that has slowed you down?  Maybe you’ve done a round or 2 of physiotherapy and have had some progression, but you’re still not 100%?  Perhaps you’ve had one too many sleepless nights, and are desperate to find a solution before resorting to drugs.  And maybe, just maybe, you’ve heard of Reiki, but you don’t think it will work because you don’t “believe” in it.

I’m always so bummed out to hear how long people have been suffering from their ailments before they have tried Reiki.   I’ve helped even the most skeptical people through the use of Reiki, and that’s because Reiki works whether you believe in it or not.  If it didn’t, it wouldn’t be such an effective remedy for dissolving negative belief patterns.

Reiki is not controlled by the conscious mind of the practitioner, nor is it controlled by the conscious mind of the recipient.  The practitioner does not direct the flow of the healing energy, nor does she tell it where to go or what to do.  The body mind of the person receiving the treatment naturally draws the energy in the exact amount, and pattern needed in order to heal.  In other words, the energy goes where it is needed, and then the body mind uses the energy to heal itself.

One woman had been coming for sessions due to back pain, and not only received great relief from the pain, but over time ended up healing her gluten allergy as well.   Healing the gluten allergy wasn’t her intention and she didn’t even believe it was possible, but it happened.

The flow of Reiki is not directed consciously, and practitioners who try to direct the flow often complain about taking on a client’s symptoms.  I’ve received this complaint a lot from my Reiki students, and have come to realize it often happens because the practitioner has tried to direct the energy to areas they believed it was needed, or they have become too caught up with the end result of the session.

As a result, they have directed a lot of their own energy into the session, when it really wasn’t necessary.  This problem seems to work itself out as the practitioner develops more faith in Reiki as a healing modality.  But faith is not a prerequisite for Reiki to “work.”

My father in law was the BIGGEST unbeliever.  One weekend when he was visiting, he had been telling me about a pain and achiness in his feet.  I offered Reiki, and he quickly refused stating, “Oh, that kind of stuff doesn’t work on me, because I don’t believe in it.”  I explained that he didn’t have to believe in it for it to work – that it would work just the same with or without belief, and that all I needed was his permission to work on him.

I didn’t lay a hand on him.  I sat in front of him and put my hands facing each other about 5 inches apart and I allowed the energy to flow and build up between my hands into what I call an energy ball.  After about a minute of doing this I took the ball and released it at his feet.

Monday morning I received a call from Bob asking, “What was in that ‘fireball’ you gave me?”  I said, “I told you – it’s Reiki.”  He then went on to tell me that his feet had been cold for 5 years, and that he always wore socks because his feet never warmed up, but that morning his feet were toasty warm and he had gone barefoot.  Further- more, every morning it took him a while to get going, but that morning he was up on his feet and moving with greater ease than he had experienced in years.

“I told you it worked,” I said.

“I still don’t believe in it,” he replied, “but would you please send some more”  🙂

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